//var dms_hide_build=true; var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function (name) { return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function (obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); setTimeout('showInit()', 15000); function fixPosisionValue(val) { var pval = val.toString(); if (pval.substring(pval.length - 2, pval.length) === "px") pval = pval.substring(0, pval.length - 2); return parseInt(pval); } function handleWindowResize() { var ki = 0; var aX = 0; var aY = 0; while (ki < document.getElementById("build_area_div").childNodes.length) { var tI = document.getElementById("build_area_div").childNodes[ki]; if (tI.id && tI.id === "rTracker") { aX = findPosX(document.getElementById("build_area_div")) - fixPosisionValue(tI.style.left); aY = findPosY(document.getElementById("build_area_div")) - fixPosisionValue(tI.style.top); } ki++; } ki = 0; while (ki < document.getElementById("build_area_div").childNodes.length) { var tI = document.getElementById("build_area_div").childNodes[ki]; if ((tI.id) && ((tI.id.substring(0, 4) === "img_") || (tI.id === "rTracker"))) { tI.style.left = fixPosisionValue(tI.style.left) + aX; tI.style.top = fixPosisionValue(tI.style.top) + aY; } ki++; } } function showInit() { if (makerReady) return; if (document.getElementById("shInit")) document.getElementById("shInit").style.display = ''; } function clearEventPROX(a) { if (!a) return; a.onabort = null; a.onblur = null; a.onclick = null; a.ondblclick = null; a.onfocus = null; a.onkeydown = null; a.onkeypress = null; a.onkeyup = null; a.onload = null; a.onmousedown = null; a.onmousemove = null; a.onmouseup = null; a.onmove = null; a.onreset = null; a.onresize = null; a.onselect = null; a.onunload = null; // IE-specific event handlers from // http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/events.asp a.onactivate = null; a.onafterprint = null; a.onafterupdate = null; a.onbeforeactivate = null; a.onbeforecopy = null; a.onbeforecut = null; a.onbeforedeactivate = null; a.onbeforeeditfocus = null; a.onbeforepaste = null; a.onbeforeprint = null; a.onbeforeunload = null; a.onbeforeupdate = null; a.onbounce = null; a.oncellchange = null; a.oncontextmenu = null; a.oncontrolselect = null; a.oncopy = null; a.oncut = null; a.ondataavailable = null; a.ondatasetchanged = null; a.ondatasetcomplete = null; a.ondeactivate = null; a.ondrag = null; a.ondragend = null; a.ondragenter = null; a.ondragleave = null; a.ondragover = null; a.ondragstart = null; a.ondrop = null; a.onfilterchange = null; a.onfinish = null; a.onfocusin = null; a.onfocusout = null; a.onhelp = null; a.onlayoutcomplete = null; a.onlosecapture = null; a.onmousewheel = null; a.onmoveend = null; a.onmovestart = null; a.onpaste = null; a.onpropertychange = null; a.onreadystatechange = null; a.onresizeend = null; a.onresizestart = null; a.onrowenter = null; a.onrowexit = null; a.onrowsdelete = null; a.onrowsinserted = null; a.onscroll = null; a.onselectionchange = null; a.onselectstart = null; a.onstart = null; a.onstop = null; a.ontouchend = null; a.ontouchstart = null; a.ontouchmove = null; } function clearAllEventPROX(a) { if (!a) return; clearEventPROX(a); a.onclick = null; a.ondblclick = null; a.onmouseover = null; a.onmouseout = null; a.onsubmit = null; a.onreset = null; a.onchange = null; a.onerror = null; } /* -------------------- no right click ------------------ */ /////////////////////////////////// function evtHandler(e) { hd = hidestatus(); if (navigator.appName === "Netscape") clickType = e.which; else clickType = event.button; if (clickType === 2 || clickType === 3) { showContextMenu; return false; } } function hide_link_status() { var links = document.links; for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].attachEvent("onmouseover", hidestatus); } } function hidestatus() { window.status = ''; return true; } if (!(isdefined(window, "dms_skip_right_disable") && (dms_skip_right_disable === true))) { if (document.captureEvents) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT); document.onmousedown = evtHandler; document.onmouseover = hidestatus; document.onmouseout = hidestatus; } document.oncontextmenu = showContextMenu; } /* ----------------- no right click end ------------------ */ function dropItem(objId) { obj = document.getElementById(objId); obj.style.left = -500; obj.style.top = -500; obj.style.display = "none"; dmsProps[objId] = 0; hideContextMenu(); return false; } function bringToTopItem(objId) { obj = document.getElementById(objId); obj.style.zIndex = ++tItemCounter; dmsLayerIndex[obj.id] = obj.style.zIndex; hideContextMenu(); return false; } function hideContextMenu() { contextMenu.style.display = "none"; return false; } function showContextMenu(e) { if (!ie && !ns6) return; var firedobj = ns6 ? e.target : event.srcElement; var topelement = ns6 ? "HTML" : "BODY"; while (firedobj.tagName !== topelement && firedobj.className !== "drag") { firedobj = ns6 ? firedobj.parentNode : firedobj.parentElement; } if (firedobj.className === "drag") { var contextMenu = document.getElementById("contextMenu"); contextMenu.innerHTML = "
Delete Item
 Bring To Top
"; contextMenu.style.left = findPosX(firedobj); contextMenu.style.top = findPosY(firedobj); contextMenu.style.display = ""; } hideContextMenu; return false; } /* ----------------- Context Menu ------------------ */ /* ------------------- ns adjucent fix ------------------- */ if (typeof HTMLElement != "undefined" && !HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement) { HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement = function (where, parsedNode) { switch (where) { case 'beforeBegin': this.parentNode.insertBefore(parsedNode, this) break; case 'afterBegin': this.insertBefore(parsedNode, this.firstChild); break; case 'beforeEnd': this.appendChild(parsedNode); break; case 'afterEnd': if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(parsedNode, this.nextSibling); else this.parentNode.appendChild(parsedNode); break; } } HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML = function (where, htmlStr) { var r = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.setStartBefore(this); var parsedHTML = r.createContextualFragment(htmlStr); this.insertAdjacentElement(where, parsedHTML) } HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentText = function (where, txtStr) { var parsedText = document.createTextNode(txtStr) this.insertAdjacentElement(where, parsedText) } } /* ----------------- ns adjucent fix end ------------------ */ var ie = document.all; var ns6 = document.getElementById && !document.all; var dragapproved = false; var z, x, y; var makerReady = false; var dmsProps = new Array(); var dmsLayerIndex = new Array(); var tItemCounter = 10000; var loadInterrupCount = 0; var show_color_flag = false; //images var m_banner = "https://web.archive.org/web/20160827233100/http://www.dollmakerscript.com/public/banners/banner_4.gif"; var m_wait = "https://web.archive.org/web/20160827233100/http://www.dollmakerscript.com/public/animated_hourglass_small.gif"; var m_bg = "https://web.archive.org/web/20160827233100/http://www.dollmakerscript.com/public/doll-background.gif"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_color1")) dms_color1 = "orange"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_color2")) dms_color2 = "#FFD530"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_color3")) dms_color3 = "#862C00"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_color4")) dms_color4 = "black"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_text_embed")) dms_text_embed = ""; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_text_popup")) dms_text_popup = "Maker is ready"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_width")) dms_width = 150; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_height")) dms_height = 200; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_background")) dms_background = false; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_text_embed_disable")) dms_text_embed_disable = false; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_drag_disable")) dms_drag_disable = false; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_hide_build")) dms_hide_build = false; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_file_type")) dms_file_type = "gif"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_build_here_src")) dms_build_here_src = "https://web.archive.org/web/20160827233100/http://www.dollmakerscript.com/public/build-doll-here.gif"; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_debug")) var dms_debug = false; if (!isdefined(window, "dms_build_written")) var dms_build_written = false; function isdefined(object, variable) { return (typeof (eval(object)[variable]) != "undefined"); } function initMaker() { if (typeof (document.body.style.filter) != "undefined") { if (document.styleSheets) { /* for ( i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++ ){ var mysheet=document.styleSheets[i]; var myrules=mysheet.cssRules? mysheet.cssRules: mysheet.rules; for (i=0; i"; document.getElementById("build_area_div").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", innerHtml); } if (!(isdefined(window, "dms_skip_ready_alert") && dms_skip_ready_alert == true)) alert(unescape(dms_text_popup)); makerReady = true; } function move(e) { if (dragapproved) { var newX = e.clientX || e.pageX; var newY = e.clientY || e.pageY; z.style.left = ns6 ? temp1 + newX - x : temp1 + event.clientX - x; z.style.top = ns6 ? temp2 + newY - y : temp2 + event.clientY - y; return false; } } function drags(e) { event.preventDefault(); if (!ie && !ns6) return; if (dms_drag_disable) return; var firedobj = ns6 ? e.target : event.srcElement; var topelement = ns6 ? "HTML" : "BODY"; if (firedobj.className !== "swatch2" && firedobj.className !== "swatch") hide_color(); if ((firedobj.id === "deleteObjectLNK") || (firedobj.id === "bringToTopObjectLNK")) { return true; } if (!makerReady && firedobj.tagName === "IMG") { loadInterrupCount++; if (loadInterrupCount >= 3) { alert('Trying to initialize the maker now...\nYou will not be able to drag any items that are currently not loaded'); initMaker(); return; } alert('Please wait until the maker is completely loaded or press to skip load. #' + loadInterrupCount); return; } while (firedobj.tagName !== topelement && firedobj.className !== "drag") { firedobj = ns6 ? firedobj.parentNode : firedobj.parentElement; } if (firedobj.className === "drag") { //if dragged - add to dmsProps dmsProps[firedobj.id] = firedobj; dragapproved = true; z = firedobj; temp1 = parseInt(z.style.left + 0); temp2 = parseInt(z.style.top + 0); x = e.clientX || e.pageX; y = e.clientY || e.pageY; document.onmousemove = move; document.ontouchmove = move; return false; } if (!(isdefined(window, "dms_skip_right_disable") && (dms_skip_right_disable === true))) { hideContextMenu(); } } function move_top(e) { if (!ie && !ns6) return; var firedobj = ns6 ? e.target : event.srcElement; var topelement = ns6 ? "HTML" : "BODY"; if (!makerReady && firedobj.tagName == "IMG") { loadInterrupCount++; if (loadInterrupCount >= 3) { alert('Trying to initialize the maker now...\nYou will not be able to drag any items that are currently not loaded'); initMaker(); return; } alert('Please wait until the maker is completely loaded or press to skip load. #' + loadInterrupCount); return; } while (firedobj.tagName !== topelement && firedobj.className !== "drag") { firedobj = ns6 ? firedobj.parentNode : firedobj.parentElement; } if (firedobj.className === "drag") { processItem = false; //create duplicate of the items //if we have local build area - use it, otherwise try to use top (top frame area) if (document.getElementById("build_area_div")) { var z_id = "img_" + ++tItemCounter; var innerHtml = ""; document.getElementById("build_area_div").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", innerHtml); firedobj = document.getElementById(z_id); mPosX = findPosX(document.getElementById("build_area")); mPosY = findPosY(document.getElementById("build_area")); mPosX = mPosX + (document.getElementById("build_area").width - firedobj.width) / 2; mPosY = mPosY + (document.getElementById("build_area").height - firedobj.height) / 2; dmsProps[z_id] = firedobj; dmsLayerIndex[z_id] = tItemCounter; processItem = true; } else { if (top.document.getElementById("build_area_div")) { var z_id = "img_" + ++top.tItemCounter; //var innerHTML = ``; var innerHtml = ""; top.document.getElementById("build_area_div").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", innerHtml); firedobj = top.document.getElementById(z_id); mPosX = findPosX(top.document.getElementById("build_area")); mPosY = findPosY(top.document.getElementById("build_area")); mPosX = mPosX + (top.document.getElementById("build_area").width - firedobj.width) / 2; mPosY = mPosY + (top.document.getElementById("build_area").height - firedobj.height) / 2; top.dmsProps[z_id] = firedobj; top.dmsLayerIndex[z_id] = top.tItemCounter; processItem = true; } } if (processItem) { z = firedobj; z.style.left = mPosX - findPosX(z); z.style.top = mPosY - findPosY(z); } return false; } } function changeWidth(wSelector) { if (document.getElementById("build_area") && wSelector) { document.getElementById("build_area").width = wSelector.options[wSelector.selectedIndex].value; } return true; } function changeHeight(hSelector) { if (document.getElementById("build_area") && hSelector) { document.getElementById("build_area").height = hSelector.options[hSelector.selectedIndex].value; } return true; } function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) curleft += obj.x; return curleft; } function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return curtop; } function _PrepSubmit() { if (!document.getElementById("build_area")) { alert('Could not process the request.\nMake sure you have build_area image defined.'); return false; } //make sure all the required elements exists if (!document.getElementById("buildWidth") || !document.getElementById("buildHeight")) { alert('Could not process the request.\nMake sure you have defined width and height.'); return false; } //populate document.dmMain.auto_url.value = top.location; //collect items info var item_counter = 0; var dmsString = ""; //add build area - always first element dmArea = document.getElementById("build_area"); dmsString += "-1**" + dmArea.src + "**" + findPosX(dmArea) + "**" + findPosY(dmArea); for (im in dmsProps) { if (dmsProps[im] !== 0) { item_counter++; dmsString += "##" + dmsLayerIndex[dmsProps[im].id] + "**" + dmsProps[im].src + "**" + findPosX(dmsProps[im]) + "**" + findPosY(dmsProps[im]); } } if (item_counter === 0) { alert('Please drag item to the build area and press \'Build\' to create the doll.'); return false; } document.dmMain.dmsString.value = dmsString; //prep window var moutputWindow = window.open("", "_moutput"); moutputWindow.document.write("Drag and Drop Doll Maker Script Engine by dollmakerscript.com
Please wait while we are creating your image...
"); moutputWindow.focus(); document.dmMain.submit(); moutputWindow.document.getElementById("hour_glass").src = "https://web.archive.org/web/20160827233100/http://www.dollmakerscript.com/public/animated_hourglass_small.gif"; return false; } document.onmousedown = drags; document.ontouchstart = drags; document.onmouseup = new Function("dragapproved=false"); document.ontouchend = new Function("dragapproved=false"); document.ondblclick = move_top; //drop styles document.write(""); if (document.images) { //preload some images for the popup window im_pop_wait = new Image; im_pop_bg = new Image; im_pop_banner = new Image; im_pop_wait.src = m_wait; im_pop_bg = m_bg; im_pop_banner.src = m_banner; } //create build area if (!dms_hide_build && !dms_build_written) document.write("
Powered by DollMakerScript
"); //get presets var cWidth = dms_width; var cHeight = dms_height; var cWidthSet = false; var cHeightSet = false; var buildWidthHTML = ""; for (var i = 50; i < 350; i++) { if (cHeight == i) { buildHeightHTML += "
"); document.write(""); document.write(""); dms_build_written = true; } function show_color() { if (!show_color_flag) { //position the window document.getElementById("cwindow").style.left = findPosX(document.getElementById("save_button")); document.getElementById("cwindow").style.top = findPosY(document.getElementById("save_button")); document.getElementById("cwindow").style.display = ''; show_color_flag = true; } } function hide_color() { if (!dms_hide_build) document.getElementById("cwindow").style.display = 'none'; show_color_flag = false; } function set_bg(v) { document.dmMain.dms_BgColor.value = v; document.getElementById("build_area").src = 'https://web.archive.org/web/20160827233100/http://www.dollmakerscript.com/public/spacer.gif'; document.getElementById("build_area_div").style.backgroundColor = v; hide_color(); } /* get field value */ function gf() { if (document.forms.form1) { var e = document.forms.form1.elements.field; if (e != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if (e[i].checked) { return e[i].value; } } } } /* we need this so this function becomes reusable * with ChooseColor.gxp */ var r = document.images; for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { if (r[i].id == "build_area") { return r[i].id; } } } /* set field helper for onchange events */ function sf_oc(f, v) { if (f == "build_area") { set_bg(v); } else { sf(f, v); } } /* set field valid value */ var sf_vv = /#[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]/i; /* set field value */ function sf(f, v) { if (!sf_vv.test(v)) { document.getElementById(f).value = ""; createAdvancedScript(); return false; } document.getElementById(f).value = v; createAdvancedScript(); } /* write swatch */ function ws(c, s, z) { var v = "#" + toHex(c); document.write( "
"); } /* write palette table */ function wt() { for (var r = 255; r >= 0; r -= 51) { document.write(""); for (var g = 255; g >= 0; g -= 51) { for (var b = 255; b >= 0; b -= 51) { ws([r, g, b], 1, "swatch"); } } document.write(""); } document.write(""); for (var l = 255; l >= 0; l -= 51) { ws([l, l, l], 6, "swatch2"); } document.write(""); } function toColor(h) { return [parseInt(h.substring(0, 2), 16), parseInt(h.substring(2, 4), 16), parseInt(h.substring(4, 6), 16)]; } function toHex(c) { var r, g, b; r = c[0].toString(16); if (c[0] < 0x10) { r = "0" + r; } g = c[1].toString(16); if (c[1] < 0x10) { g = "0" + g; } b = c[2].toString(16); if (c[2] < 0x10) { b = "0" + b; } return (r + g + b).toUpperCase(); } /* set field helper for keydown events */ function sf_ok(f, v) { if (window.event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { sf_oc(f, v); // simulate onchange event.cancelBubble = true; } } } /* focus field */ function ff(f) { var v = document.forms.form1.elements; var e = v.field; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if (e[i].value == f) { e[i].checked = true; v[f].focus(); break; } } } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 23:31:00 Aug 27, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 04:08:27 Jun 17, 2023. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 170.53 exclusion.robots: 0.287 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.274 RedisCDXSource: 4.291 esindex: 0.01 LoadShardBlock: 139.826 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 152.929 (4) load_resource: 60.416 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 40.665 */